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Composting: Recycling Naturally

Composting is simply the slow, natural decomposition of organics. Composting at home is the controlled and faster decomposition of organics such as yard trimmings and food waste generated by you and your family. Microorganisms break down this material into a nutrient-rich soil amendment or mulch that can be used in yards, gardens and potted plants.

Composting is a beneficial and inexpensive way to manage your organic waste. It involves little effort, equipment and expertise. You can do it.

Why compost at home?

Yard trimmings and food waste make up about 30 percent of what South Carolinians throw away every year. Composting at home diverts that material from the landfill and turns it into a valuable product. It can improve the soil, prevent erosion and reduce the use of fertilizer, pesticides and water saving you money and help protect the environment by conserving resources.

How to Compost

Residents have many home composting options from vermicomposting project to food digesters to backyard composting with bins. Composting: Recycling Naturally is a guidebook that provides information on those options and simple steps for starting at home. For a quick reference on backyard composting, a tip sheet is available

Reduce food waste at your home.

Food waste is the No. 1 item thrown away by Americans. Most food waste is generated at home – much of which is safe and wholesome and could have been consumed.

The Don’t Waste Food SC campaign provides tips on how you can reduce food waste at home through prevention, donation and composting. Do your part.

*Information provided by SC DHEC.*